January 2025

Lots has happened since last we checked in here. Unfortunately our pal and guitarist Tim Postgate has left the band after 9 years with us!!! Boo! There’s no hard feelings, in fact, Tim has even come by our residency to watch in from the audience which was a little surreal but a warm experience. Despite still being a lover of our music and his bandmates he just had too many projects on the go so he made the hard choice to part ways. There was a little scrambling after Tim’s departure as our album was planned but we decided to go ahead with our sessions at Union sound. In October we headed into the beautiful Union Sound studio and laid down our bedtracks with the help of engineer Darren McGill ( a wizard!). We worked hard over four days and are pleased with the outcome. Since then, we’ve been overdubbing parts and are moving towards a finished product with John Switzer at the production helm. We’re excited to invite some of the guitarists who’ve been subbing at our shows to make guest appearances on the album. We’ve really enojoyed this rotating roster of fabulous players who’ve joined us including Dave Celia, Burke Caroll, Bob Cohen, Kevin Barrett and John Zytaruk. Next month Steve Briggs joins us at the Winterfolk Festival being held at our home base the Tranzac Club. We also hope to add some gigs further afield this year from the outlining areas of Southern Ontario and maybe head to COllette’s Northern Ontario neck of the woods too. Beyond that we still aspire to head to Ireland and we’ve been plotting for that too. In the meantime come out and see us monthly at the Tranzac where our fanbase is growing in both number and passion. It’s a wonder to behold. The ladies are also playing fairly regularly at the Local on Roncy and those shows are special indeed! We hope to see you soon!

Spring 2024

Hi Savant fans, just a quick update to let you know that lots of exciting things are going on with us. Firstly, we’re working on a new album. Collette has a bunch of new songs and there are quite a few of our tunes in our current repertoire which have never been recorded so we’re heading into rehearsal to polish and pick the very best ones to be recorded this summer!! We’re also adding some dates at other Toronto venues this year so if you can’t make it out to the Tranzac every second Friday, watch for those! Also, because it’s always been Collette’s dream to tour internationally we’ve decided to take a leap. We’re planning a tour in Ireland for summer 2025! Woohoo! In the meantime the band is still having a great time playing the Tranzac and sounding better than ever. Come join us to hear the new material as it takes shape. Love to you all!

Thanks to the brilliant Ingrid Veninger for this awesome memory of our show in St Catherine’s at the Mahtay Cafe!

Check out our new video for Cecil Street!

Thanks to everyone who made it happen, both on set and our crowdfunders who funded the endeavour.